Monday, October 1. 2007
The stable version of FUDforum 2.7.7RC2 is now available for download. This releases' focus has been primarily bug fixing with a fair number of small issues being resolved.
The install script can be found here and the upgrade script here.
The release announcement detailing all of the major changes can be found here.
Monday, April 23. 2007
The final release candidate of FUDforum 2.7.7RC2 is now available for download. This releases' focus has been primarily bug fixing with a fair number of small issues being resolved. I anticipate this RC will go smoothly and will be followed by a final within 2-3 weeks.
The install script can be found here and the upgrade script here.
The release announcement detailing all of the major changes can be found here.
Monday, January 15. 2007
After a few month break since the last release, a new version of FUDforum is once again in the works. This is primarily a feature enhancement release with a slew of new functionality designed to improve the forum. Aside from the new feature a fair number of bug fixes is also available, so something for everyone
As you can tell from the version, this is release candidate, so its not quite perfect yet, but I am hoping that within a month the release process can be wrapped up and stable be released.
The install script can be found here and the upgrade script here.
The release announcement detailing all of the major changes can be found here.
Tuesday, September 19. 2006
A new stable release of FUDforum is now available for download. This release incorporates all of the changes found in the previous two release candidates in addition to an updated German translation and a newly added Vietnamese translation as well. All users of FUDforum are encouraged to upgrade to this release for improved performance and stability.
Additional information about the content of this release can be found here:
The installation and upgrade scripts are located at their usual location at:
Tuesday, August 15. 2006
A new version of FUDforum is on the release path. This release is largely a feature addition release with a fair quantity of new functionality being added. That said there were a few bug fixes sprinkled in between as well.
The upgrade and installer can be downloaded from here:
Installer Download
Upgrade Script
The main features of the new release include the following:
- Added an option that enabled admins and moderators to edit topic ratings.
- Added account moderators, who can approve new accounts as well as manage existing users.
- Added ability to display flags beside user names based on IP geo-location.
- Added an option of adding "permanent" announcements.
To see details of all the changes see the release announcement.
Friday, June 9. 2006
After what seems like forever a new stable version of FUDforum is finally out. The upgrade and the installation scripts can be found here:
This release incorporates a number of significant changes, including the introduction of Ajax for tree views and category collapsing. Improved Help (FAQ renamed) that offers better explanation on the various features FUDforum offers to the forum users. A number of performance improvements across the board and many other improvements and features. This release also includes a security fix relating to the mime handling for image uploads, the fix is retroactive, so it'll address any bogus images uploaded before the upgrade.
Wednesday, February 1. 2006
The final (stable) release of FUDforum 2.7.4 is now available for download. This release is a culmination of several month of developed that have resulted in a series of new features as well as a resolution of fair number of bugs. All FUDforum users are encourages to upgrade to this release at their convenience. Code wise the release is virtually identical to 2.7.4RC2.
The upgrade and installation packages can be found here:
Upgrade Packages
Install Packages
Monday, January 2. 2006
A little over 2 months have passed since the last stable release, and so we are once again on the release road starting with 2.7.4RC1. This release combines both bug fixes as well as a fair number new features, so there is something for everyone  . Given the long delay since the last release by FUDforum standards, the list of changes is quite impressive.
The upgrade and installation scripts are available at the urls listed below:
Install Script
Upgrade Script
To see full list of changes is available below:
Continue reading "FUDforum 2.7.4RC1 Released"
Thursday, October 27. 2005
After nearly 2 months of testing and development I am happy to announce the release of FUDforum 2.7.3, the new stable version. This is primarily a bug-fix release and all users, especially those of the 2.7 series are encouraged to upgrade to it. The upgrade and installation scripts are available at the urls listed below:
Install Script
Upgrade Script
As far as the changes go, this version is virtually identical to the prior release candidate. The one major addition was the integration of the Indonesian translation that now makes the forum available in a whooping 26 languages, 2 more then in the prior stable release. There were a few minor bug fixes as well, details of which can be found below.
Continue reading "FUDforum 2.7.3 Released"
Tuesday, October 18. 2005
I am in release mode this week, first PHP 5.1.0RC3, now FUDforum 2.7.3RC3. Number three seems to work well for me  .
Since FUDforum's RC2 there have been a surprising number of small bug fixes many of the important ones aimed at improving (*cough*fixing*cough*) the PostgreSQL support, which now appears to work quite well. So, to ensure that is indeed the case I've decided to make another release candidate.
The upgrade and installer scripts can be found at their usual locations, but here are the direct URLs to them anyway  .
Upgrade Script
Installer Script
Continue reading "FUDforum 2.7.3RC3 Released"
Wednesday, October 5. 2005
Here goes the 2nd and hopefully the final release candidate prior to the final 2.7.3 release. Not a whole lot of changes, nearly all of them bug fixes. One welcome addition is the newly deployed Korean translation which brings FUDforum's localization number to 24 (WOW!). Big thanks to all the people who have and continue spending the time adding and updating the translations.
This RC offers a small number of bug fixes, which is usually a good sign indicating we are nearing the final release. You can download the installer or upgrade script at the listed links.
Some of the "main" changes include the following:
- Updated the French Translation.
- Workaround for Solaris that does not support GLOB_BRACE.
- The message compactor is now fully operational.
- Fixed a bug with search indexing when PostgreSQL is used.
- Fixed a bug when posting message to NNTP from the forum where the NNTP server requires authentication.
Monday, October 3. 2005
Two weeks late, but, better late then never, that's what I think  .
The September issue of PHP|Architect, has a fairly long and hopefully interesting article on PDO covering all of the new features found at the time. As far as PDO material goes, aside from the manual it is probably the most up to date resource on it that you can find. And even then it does not cover my BC break that was made recently. So if you are considering using PDO, this is definitely something that should be of interest.
The issue also held a pleasant surprise for me, which was a fairly detailed and positive review of FUDforum, yey! It only got 4 stars (out of 5), but I did manage to acquire the missing star directly from Peter (Forum’s Reviewer, thanks for the review btw) on a napkin, PERFECTION!!!  .
Friday, September 23. 2005
It is that time of year again! No, its not Christmas it is time for yet another FUDforum release  . As usual we start with RC1 and follow it up with the stable final in short order.
This release is going to be a mostly bug fix oriented version with a number minor features enchantments. You can download the installer or upgrade script at the listed links.
If you don't want to read the complete changelog (whole 19 entries of it listed below) here are some highlights.
- Added RSS links to several pages to simplify getting feeds from the forum.
- phpBB2 converter fixes.
- You can now turn on captcha validation for anonymous user postings (BIG help in comment spam reduction).
- French translation is now fully up to date.
Continue reading "FUDforum 2.7.3RC1 Released"
Tuesday, August 23. 2005
After a fairly short incubation period, 2.7.0 final is now available for download.
Installation Script
Upgrade Script
The release was made a bit faster then anticipated in response to a rather serious security problem found in the uploaded avatar handling code. All who use FUDforum and allow forum members to upload custom avatars are encouraged to upgrade immediately.
The details of the exploit are not being released at this time, but believe me when I say that the problem is quite serious and you should most definitely upgrade if you use the uploaded avatar functionality.
Aside from the fix for the security problem, this release integrates a number of other changes and improvements, in particular a much improved in terms of speed forum topic view generation code.
Continue reading "FUDforum 2.7.0 Released"
Thursday, July 21. 2005
In the past few years FUDforum has grown quite a bit in both the offered functionality and the user base. However, aside from a few tweaks the layout of the forum has remained largely unchanged. While the current layout works quite well for most people, there is a clear want to update the layout to something more interesting. Hence this contest, the goal being to devise a new better, faster and prettier default theme (layout) for the forum, which would improve the user experience. Aside from a new and improved default template some additional templates maybe included in the stock distribution to give forum deployers greater flexibility as far as appearance out of the box.
So, if you have some spare time and would like to help to improve FUDforum please submit your design entries, more information can be found here: