Nice presentation, I really like that you always share the slides because I have no chance to take part these conferences. I wrote 4 articles on my blog about PHP 5.3 (more detailed about namespaces, late static binding and mysqlnd) but I found some new things in your presentation.
http server hooked to the handler script php.exe from php-5.2.9-Win32.
When transferring data from the server to the handler, the handler (php.exe), they are not read. I suspect that the problem in otsutstvii needed headers in the data (containing an indication of the method GET or POST)
If this is the case, then please'll show how to transfer data php-5.2.9-Win32 for the correct execution of the script?
Kinch's Geeky on : [PHP??? ??] Introduction to PHP 5.3 Slides
roScripts - Webmaster resources and websites on : Introduction to PHP 5.3 Slides - iBlog - Ilia Alshanetsky