Jiri on :
Well, 5.2.0RC2 wouldn't compile "out of the box" at any of my 4 servers.
Two Debian/GNU -linux boxes complains about bz2 -stuffs.
One Darwin and one CentOS -linux stops compiling due to openssl -problems.
I know that this isn't right place to report about bugs. So I won't bother you more here about these issues
Configure script went just fine at all servers. I used same config.nice which i have used successfully at 5.2.0RC1 and 5.1.4.
Ps. 5.1.5 compiled and installed just fine.
Two Debian/GNU -linux boxes complains about bz2 -stuffs.
One Darwin and one CentOS -linux stops compiling due to openssl -problems.
I know that this isn't right place to report about bugs. So I won't bother you more here about these issues
Configure script went just fine at all servers. I used same config.nice which i have used successfully at 5.2.0RC1 and 5.1.4.
Ps. 5.1.5 compiled and installed just fine.
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