On my way home from the Frankfurt conference right now, according to the in-plane TV we are somewhere just south of Greenland at the moment. That's right, this blog entry is being written from an average altitude of 30,000 feet (9144 kilometers), go go Lufthansa that offers relatively cheap wifi ($30 USD) for entire flight, COOL! That and the fact that they serve free alcohol on economy class, makes this flight even more enjoyable.
I would like to thank the folks are Software & Support for inviting me to their conference, it is quite enjoyable, not to mention quite big, much larger then an average PHP con. I've yet again had the privilege to meet with many people with whom I've only conversed online and met good friends whom I have not seen since previous conferences.
To those of you who've attended my sessions, or had missed them for some reason, the slides are finally up, wifi on a plane is MUCH better then wifi at the conference

You can download them here:
PHP Security Talk:
PHP & Performance: