About a year ago when gas prices in Canada have started to rise rapidly my friend and I were trying to guess when they will exceed the $1 per liter mark. After some discussion we've mostly agreed it would not happen till 2006 at the earliest. Alas our predictions were proven false, as the picture below shows today, August 13, 2005 the $1 mark has been surpassed.

Given that $1 for a liter is a physiological marker for many people, it would be interesting to see what impact it would have on the quantity and type of cars seen on the road. Perhaps it would finally reduce the need for city dwellers to purchase giant fuel guzzling SUVs and similar type vehicles, but only time will tell.
One thing's certain however, fuelling up your car will be much more of a hit on your wallet, just a month ago I could relatively easily fuel up for mere “0.80” cents a liter. A 20% increase in such a short time is highly noticeable and most unwelcome.
For those of you who don't use the metric system or don't know latest conversion from US to funny money (Canadian Dollars) here are some stats.
1 liter = 0.264172051 gallon
1 USD = 1.1971 CAN